Calling in the God of All Truths
It’s seems for the last six or so months I’d been happy floating through life. And I know that’s what I’d been doing because when people asked “What’s happening? What’s new?” I felt like I had nothing to tell them. I’d respond with “Nothing really, just cruising.” And continued to drift from one day to the next. I had, up until recently, thought I was moving forward ever so slowly (and apparently, mindlessly.) Then after feeling sluggish and heavy for months on end, I realised I have been holding myself back, stuck in a time lapse. Providing me with little growth, challenge or sense of purpose.
An overwhelming sensation came over me when I figured out I was waiting with no real intention of doing the work. Relying on others to call the shots, without stepping up to see that it happens. Doubting my worth along the way; making myself small and insignificant, burying myself with a lack of respect for my true power. I was biding my time, spending energy on things that became chores. And then recently I began to see things from a different light, feeling like I was being taken advantage of, and have been using that feeling in my gut to propel me forward. The energy has been building gradually and there is excitement replacing the lethargy and angst.
I made the decision to call in my greatness, stepping in line with my intentions for this year to Act Big and Rise in Vulnerability, and push for what I want. Turns out, like everything, a little push is all that is needed to get the ball rolling. The rest comes from a simple asking. Manifesting and then voicing my wants and desires. And as soon as I did that I felt my energy shift. It was like a veil was lifted, I felt alive and energetic. I am realigning with my purpose and finding lightness in the sense of challenge and adventure. I have had this power all along. But I needed to call in my truths and acknowledge this work as only my own. Trusting this next step will provide me with lessons to grow in. The time for action is now.
Although I am reflecting on the fact that I have been waiting unnecessarily, I accept that everything up until this point has been for a reason. It has all served me in a way, and I needed that falling apart and lack of security in order to move on. I can see from a clearer perspective that my exhaustion has been from discontent. No longer happy to sit on the sidelines and watch. This plateau and eventual decline is the reason I have so much more room to spread my wings. I can now use this energy to keep working towards bigger things, finding my purpose so that I can better serve others. Expect to see me doing new and exciting things in the coming months! Can’t wait to share what’s brewing 🙂