From Dark to Light: A Transformation

Part One:

Wow. From a feeling of being stuck, comes the realisation of clinging. To old stories, to old versions of myself. Clinging to the past and what I know deep down no longer serves me. But yet, I remain in this safety of the known. I’ve been constantly reminding myself of my intention for this year; Be Vulnerable, Act Big. And in some areas I have been, I feel a shifting as I make time to do big things that I’ve been putting off for years.

Noticing the patterns, and how I hide or make myself small in situations. So that when I come away I feel crappy and heavy for not putting myself first. And from that hiding, of the truth, of my struggles, no one has a sense of what’s going on, so that I am forced to play along with a facade. And now finally choosing myself over anything else, following my wants and needs, I feel something has been lifted. There’s excitement bubbling, a sense of freedom as I commit to following through with this.


Part Two:

And in the blossoming of spring, I feel an ‘I can’ attitude in the air. Saying yes to opportunities and setting my path in motion. Now knowing I have what it takes to plant these seeds and help them grow into something big and beautiful. There’s a sense of my desires being tangible and my goals being reachable, that I haven’t felt in a while. I feel more confident, and sure of myself and all I am capable of.

Realising I needed doors to close, stagnant energy to move, to allow time and space for new ventures to present themselves. And now an emerging is taking place. The work is rewarding and inspiring, energising my self-belief. As I step into my power the excitement is feeding my motivation. I have been patient and dedicated to my path so far. And slowly but surely I can feel things piecing together. The best part is there’s still so much room for growth left for the rest of the year!


Acknowledging the scores of people who support me through everything I do. Who see my potential, who share my passions, and constantly push me. Towards greatness and unlimited striving, even as I take tiny steps to get there. Every bit of encouragement is valued and appreciated. I see you, I am thankful for you <3