Meditation: Captured in Poetry (pt. 2)

I am giant and I become the cosmos
all the tiny little flashes of stars
my head pops through the ceiling
yet I’m still sitting in my bedroom

There’s a weightlessness
that takes me by surprise
it’s as though nothing
can hold me back

Below me I am tethered
to the fiery core of it all
from these roots I grow
even taller

I grow through the mud
making my way towards the sunlight
encouraged every step of the way to
keep on going

I am covered in muck but that’s because
I am part of her
part of the seedlings and the breeze
and then out into the vastness

It was dark down in the pit
but out here it’s even blacker
an endless expanse
surrounding me

It blankets me
holds me tight so that I can’t
float away any more
occasionally it would widen
my eyes would be lost staring

Nothing else tangible would matter
not my fingers
or the tension in my shoulders
because I didn’t belong
in the physical any more

It took an excruciatingly long time
to land back on earth
the effort needed to draw myself in
needing patience and care

In that moment I was everything
and simultaneously I was nothing
but a spec
an atom
passing through
