Letting the Yin Magic Penetrate

Entering the space of unknown

Floating off into a cloud

Sometimes it takes a couple of goes to settle into this new flow

And sometimes it hits us right away and we wonder what took us so long to find this slowness

This ease and surrender

A quiet existence where time stands still

A cocoon that puts you back together again

Nourishing from the inside out

Deep rest and connection to what’s beyond the superficial layer

You are infinite

You deserve this time to honour your entire being

And I am here to show you the light within your very core when you are ready to receive it ✨

A little poem dedicated to my love of Yin Yoga, inspired by the three young humans who experienced their first taste of Yin tonight. The magic of this practice has the power to bleed out into every part of our lives. It changed me in so many ways when I first found it. And for that reason I am always honoured to guide people as they discover this practice for the first time, or the hundredth time.

May we all sleep soundly into the night 🌌