Tag: Zalaheart

Finding My Feet in the Big World

Manifesting and planting seeds for new workshop offerings in Melbourne, and internationally. So many ideas have been running through my head, and I’m allowing them...

Ripping Apart My Insides 

I am constantly putting myself back together, but I have to if I am going to pick apart the pieces of myself. A little tweaking...

The Body Dances in Stillness

Through my continuous movement practice I’m understanding the importance of a peaceful mind. If I can turn my brain off and trust that my body...

I’ve Been Blossoming Just in Time

This journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. There is so much brewing and developing beneath the surface. It’s the season for growth and expansion. The energy...

Changing the World With Yoga

If an individual’s mindset can be softened and enhanced by this practice, then we can help change the world one person at a time. ZalaHeart...