
My yoga offerings plant courage in your heart, and ground your body through movement and breath. Guiding you to listen deeply to your inner stillness to expand from a more centered place within.

I’d like to introduce you to ZalaHeart, my creation born from courageous love.
The name Zala meaning “from the river”, “one who is beautiful”, and “shininess”. I wanted a name that connected me to the ground I walk on, earthly and alive. It translates into my life as each day I am learning to flow with what life gives me. I see Zala come through in the different ways I express confidence and how I unpack each challenge that presents itself. I endeavour to stand taller and stronger. I ask for guidance from the trees to teach me to root down into my being, and from there expanding and uplifting a little more each moment.
The Heart being the centre from which everything flows. The most vital organ that we need to make sure is kept clear and flowing at all times. We as beings shine from the heart space, sending out love and energy to others. Trusting that what we put out into the world will come back to us tenfold. And from this space there is a river connecting all of us, every person you meet, every animal, as well as Mother Earth who creates and spreads love from her garden. We are all connected. We are one. Starting from the most basic part of nature and growing together into something bigger than life itself. With this knowing, we can find courage to dive deeper and expand brighter into what we were put here on Earth to do. All we have to do is listen and pay attention. Each of us, in our own individual way, has the power to work together to make this whole world shine with love.

And so, with my intention set, I’d like to welcome you to join me on this journey! Through yoga we can discover an endless path towards knowledge of the body and spiritual clarity; giving us the power to do anything we put our minds to. Let’s endeavour to learn and grow together, into deeper versions of our beings. And that’s simply the start of what will feed into the rest of your life…

“Remember, life is not going to follow you, you have to follow life. Grudgingly or happily
– that’s your choice.”
Osho, The Art of Living and Dying

I’m Laura, nice to meet you

I’ve been practicing yoga for the last 15 years, starting in a Bikram studio then finding my flow in Vinyasa, to the soft surrendering of Yin Yoga. There’s been yoga retreats and classes in different parts of the world, including meditations in Thailand, and yoga festivals in New Zealand and my home country, Australia.

As part of my movement background I’ve also been practicing AcroYoga since 2016, learning to let others into my practice and trust them enough to create something magical together. I’ve learnt handstands, animal flow, and Fighting Monkey techniques that challenge the mind and forge new pathways in the body.

I’ve also done exploration of breath work and energy (chi/prana/life force) through Qi Gong with Master Laoshi. And discovered the amazing resilience and wisdom I hold within, during a 5 day Vipassana training with a Buddhist monk in Thailand.

Then releasing the need for structure I found 5Rhythms in 2018. The spontaneous dance, the shifting energies, and waves of curiosity for what my body could do once it connected with the rhythm. I’ve been dancing ever since. Through all life’s ups and downs; grief and joy and anger and contentment; my emotions come out on the dance floor.

All my past and present teachers shape how I embody movement and mindfulness, and I am so grateful for that. Now, being a teacher myself, I can mold all these practices into my own offerings. Encouraging strength and resilience, yielding and letting go, concentration and awareness, freedom and expression, so my students can discover the full scope of their capabilities too.

Try this 30min practice:

A great introduction to yoga, this simple 30min class will ground you into your day. It’s perfect to flow along with any time you need it, and will leave you with a feeling of stability and openness. Enjoy!

Or this fun 15min kid’s class:

Some gentle movements and breathwork to get kids and adults connecting and having fun! Practice daily to see the benefits of yoga as a family. And remember, don’t take yourself so seriously…